Blue Bamboo Identity & Branding

Logo, Branding Identity and Packaging for Blue Bamboo Mattresses and Adjustable Bases. You could call this my baby of 2017. This project spanned over the year 2017 into 2018 with 7 other sub-brands, are on the main portfolio page besides this one.
Design request for this brand was to use blue bamboo, later a panda was added.
My role
Concept and design the logo, brand identity, brand assets, and packaging. Plus other items needed for the branding such as photoshoot direction and more.
Inside the mattress or adjustable base boxes were the warranty & unpacking instructions were made to match brand theme, I wrote the cards inner guts and created the layout. Other various items such as price sheet layout for sales, sales folder, product handbook, product handouts had all the content written and designed mostly by myself.
I created the layouts and wrote most of the product descriptions and information, slogan and phrases for marketing purposes. I wrote the content description on the boxes, products and inside of the booklets. Also the website layout for the product in the display.
The Panda I created his look and vibe, there are 2 different versions of him. Here is the illustration version.
Some of these items are displayed but not all (don’t want to bog down the page) Changes were made by the choice of the owner & marketing manager for logistical purpose over design purpose.